2021 is giving a new twist to our life with a better tomorrow and a new glimpse as the past year has left a negative impact on everyone's mind. Through the events of the planet transits in the coming year 2021, we shall know its impact on us and our country.
Saturn, also referred to as the main justice planet, will transit in its own zodiac sign Capricorn throughout the year, it will transit in the religious ninth house of the horoscope of independent India. Some strict steps will be taken in the country regarding religion and this year, there will be a decrease in the possibilities of faster growth in travel and business. There will also be a slowdown in income and the situation will not be good for the general public regarding money. There is not going to be any significant boom in business this year, which will have little hope of improving the deteriorating economic situation. Struggling times for traders are still not over. The Cold War of India and China will have a great impact on trade and the global economic situation, which will lead to many job losses and there will be little hope of a new job.
Rahu and Ketu, which did not let their terror subside in the year 2020, in this year 2021, their negative results shall be reduced by transiting in Taurus, Venus, which are their friendly planets. The sight of Jupiter will also control Rahu's venom. Rahu's position will be extremely auspicious for diplomatic people and they will be successful in taking new steps with cleverness and fooling people. This year, corruption will also increase in politics and dictators will torture more n more.
Jupiter, the lord of 8th house and income lord in the horoscope of independent India, will transit in his own debilitated zodiac sign Capricorn with Saturn till April, which would be better for some kind of research but will reduce the income and value of Rupee. This situation will be tipsy-turvy for the share market. After April, Saturn coming in Aquarius zodiac sign will give relief from many troubles. Today's biggest problem Corona will also take a new turn. During this period our Prime Minister can also take some important steps regarding the economic situation.
Here we have tried to give some information through the transit of the main planets in the year 2021. These predictions are the same for all but to get accurate results, the planetary positions of each individual is necessary. Therefore, if you want to know what is special for you in the coming year 2021 and how the planetary transition is going to impact your life, please contact us. We will try to give you information about your work, job, relationships, love, health, financial status, and other aspects of life in 2021.
Click to know about your Horoscope/Rashiphal for Year 2021!
We all know that change is the law of nature because change is seen only by the flow. The old times should welcome the new and move forward for important changes. Here we are talking about the departing year 2020 and the coming new year 2021. There have been many unwanted incidents in the past year, due to which every person had gone through some problem which can never be forgotten. The effect of which will be seen in the year 2021 also. We still have a doubt regarding the positive effect in near future. A lot is predetermined in our lives and a lot is also beyond our control. But still, we do not stop dreaming and try to improve our future.
Every person is always eager to know what the future will be like for their work, job, business, education, family, health, money, married life, and love. Everyone is expecting a positive prediction from the coming year 2021 and everyone wants to know if the road ahead will fulfill their dream. 2021 is knocking at the door to answer the incomplete questions that are arising in the minds of many people.
Through Vedic astrology, we are providing your horoscope for the coming year 2021 through zodiac signs keeping in mind the transit of big planets Saturn, Jupiter, and Rahu Ketu and taking various aspects of life. What kind of caution do we have to take or whether to get advice before taking up a new job, whether to change a job or not, how beneficial will be your new business, what will be the financial situation in life this year, will you be able to clear the loan & how luckier you will be in the coming year 2021. We have provided this horoscope, keeping in mind many such questions.
This horoscope is for everyone in general, if you want to know something about any important aspects of your life in particular, then click on the link given below and know about which aspect of your life, you want to know in detail. If you want to connect with us, you can take an appointment and get the solution to your problem.
If you have any question in mind, please call now +91-770-1950-631