Jupiter Transit in Gemini Jupiter Gochar in Mithun Jupiter retrograde in Cancer 18 October 2025 Jupiter retrograde in Cancer from 11 November
Jupiter stays in one zodiac sign for about 13 months and then changes to another zodiac sign. In the year 2025, Jupiter will transit in Gemini on 14 May 2025. On 11 November 2025, Guru Maharaj will become retrograde in Cancer and then while remaining in this retrograde state, he will once again enter Gemini on 4 December 2025. Devguru Jupiter will set on 09 June and then rise on 9 July 2025.
Geminis are very intelligent and pick up knowledge quickly. They are perceptive, analytical and often very funny. They have an unbridled, childlike curiosity, always asking new questions. Geminis have a unique ability to gauge a person's character in no time, even if they have just met them. They are very good communicators as they are very sensitive and good listeners. Geminis are versatile, they are comfortable being both introverted and extroverted.
Jupiter transit will take place in Mercury's sign Gemini which is the same sign for Jupiter. Jupiter is a planet of the Aakash element and Gemini is an air sign which involves a lot of planning in the mind. Jupiter transit in Gemini will be very good for education and learning.
Financial opportunities: The presence of Jupiter in Gemini can bring new opportunities for increased wealth and self-esteem. However, being responsible along with growth is also important for financial stability.
Personal growth: The influence of Jupiter in Gemini can bring new energy and personal growth.
Communication and friendship: Jupiter in Gemini can teach communication and friendship.
Broadening your mind: The presence of Jupiter in Gemini can inspire you to broaden your mind.
Jupiter values stability, perseverance, longevity, predictability, spontaneity, self-willed efforts and determination and shows our attitudes and practical and traditional values related to religion, moral conduct, education and politics. While in Gemini can improve your self-image and give more importance to your personal experience.
Aries- Money, property, valuables and self-esteem will improve during this time. During this time, you will want to go to your desired place for relaxation, but be careful of excessive shopping, friends and spending, otherwise carelessness towards money can also trap you in problems and debt. If you have to do any new work, then enthusiasm will remain in you and you will also get a lot of money with your knowledge and hard work. At this time, you can also invest for a long time, but do not do any work by taking a loan.
Taurus- This transit is happening in your own zodiac sign, due to which this is the time to fulfill your dreams with confidence, but you can run away from responsibilities by becoming a little selfish. You will try to spend on yourself with passion to fulfill your mental happiness and desires. You will make your mark in your work through your knowledge and talent, but you should stay away from ego. If you have any bad habit, stress, problem or debt, then now you will feel relieved.
Gemini- This transit will be a time for you to explore the spiritual world, look inside yourself and know your inner strength. At this time, you will try to know the truth of solitude, contemplation and life. During this time, you will be mentally weak, due to which any relationship or someone's words can hurt you, so keep yourself busy with your studies, business, job or any other work. During this time, do not run away from any problem, but face it bravely. You will have to avoid intoxication, glamour, drugs and any investment without advice. If someone was angry with you for a long time, or had gone away, now he will come back.
Cancer- This will be the time to focus on your goals with new ideas, dreams and hopes. This transit will fill you with confidence, so if you are thinking of starting any new work or project, then you will get success from your experience. At this time, you will get success in work from your new contacts, friends, support and connections. At this time you will have new sources of income and you will also make more friends. You will be more social and will try to fulfill your desires.
Leo- This time will help in enhancing your career, ambitions, achievements, image and reputation. Your talent and skills will get new recognition at this time, due to which you will start getting the fruits of your hard work. At this time, there can be progress in achieving any important goal and aspirations. At this time, do not believe in any kind of hearsay and maintain balance in your relationships and work. At this time, stay away from ego and distance yourself from those things which prevent you from success. At this time, you can get a helpful person or an important project which can change your life.
Virgo- At this time you will feel courageous and enthusiastic and you will try to learn something new. At this time, small things can quickly make you stressed, so religious trips will give you relief. If your work is related to writing, media, YouTube, then you will get to learn a lot. This will be the time to come out of comfort and face challenges by working hard in work.
Libra- At this time, internal changes will start taking place inside you. This time will be important regarding money, your income will be high, stuck or trapped money will come back and you will also get ancestral property, so this time will be good for investment. At this time, you can successfully get rid of negativity, guilt and suppressed psychological problems inside you. At this time, someone close to you can distance himself from you which will cause stress. You should focus on your health and fitness, and do not think of changing the job.
Scorpio- This transit will bring you new relationships, friends, advisors and partners who will support you in every way in your work and your friendly behavior will make you attractive. If any legal complications were bothering you, then this time will favor you. If you are associated with politics, then this time will make you popular. An important person in your life will come and make you feel at home.
Sagittarius- At this time, you will get new opportunities regarding work and success in business or the search for a new job will also be completed. Your health will be better at this time, so keep your routine better, and be careful about your weight. If you were surrounded by some confusion or old problems for a long time, then now you will come out of it. At this time, apart from yourself, you will have to take care of others as well, only then your loved ones will be with you.
Capricorn - This time will give you an opportunity to travel, have fun, fulfill your hobbies and entertainment. At this time, you will work hard day and night to make your dreams come true. If you like someone, then this time will be for traveling and romantic, but for that, maintain a balance between your responsibilities and work. Whatever decision you take during this time, stick to it, only then you will get success, otherwise be ready for a big loss.
Aquarius - At this time, you will be lovingly connected to your relationships and emotionally come closer to your loved ones. You will pay more attention to new house, car and renovation of the house. If there was any problem in your domestic personal life for a long time, then this time will help you come out of them. This time with family will be joyful and pleasant and you can spend more time with family or at home. The dream of starting a new business will come true.
Pisces - During this time, if you were planning something or dreaming for a long time, then it will be fulfilled now. You will get the support of new colleagues and your religious journeys will also increase. This will be a good time for learning as your curiosity, skills and knowledge will be enhanced. This will be a time for putting things in order and your relationships will also improve.