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Transit Of Planets

Transit of Planets 

Effect of Jupiter Transit

Jupiter gives positive results if placed at 2nd, 5th, 7th, 9th, the 11th position from where Moon is posited at the time of birth. At rest of the places, i.e. 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th house from Moon, its transit proves to be malefic for a native. Here is a detailed overview of how Jupiter transit may affect your life based on which house it occupies from the Moon.

If Jupiter transit to the first house from the natal Moon, hurdles in life, tensions, lack of happiness and satisfaction, and this period would good for spiritual or religious and social services activities. Suffer from fear, anxiety, health issues and quarrel with others.

If Jupiter transit to the second house from the natal Moon, increase and gain in money, receives awards, praised by people, divine voice, good relation with family, good company; increase the value of your advice, good health and happiness. Chance of a new baby birth in the family

If Jupiter transit to the third house from the natal Moon, lots of hurdles, obstacles in business, financially not good, losing money, troubles with the employer, conflicts with younger siblings and friends, need extra care in health, small spiritual journey and do some religious deeds.

If Jupiter transit to the fourth house from the natal Moon, try and maintain relationship with relatives, property-related issues, be care full driving, avoid necessary expenses and travel, unstable mind, borrow money for business and not good relationship with the mother.

If Jupiter transit to the fifth house from the natal Moon, beneficial for the person, get love and support of his children, benefits from well-wishers, high position, visit spiritual places, financially improvements, benefit in shares and stock market, get the perfect match, if the single and Good time for studies.

If Jupiter transit to the sixth house from the natal Moon, need more attention to your health, expenditure, and debts, not good relationship with the co-worker, unhappy and restless, careful with the theft. Fear of competitors, involved in some legal conflicts, restlessness and avoid arguments.

If Jupiter transit to the seventh house from the natal Moon, business with partnerships, favorable relation with superior, relations with spouse and children would be enjoyable, good health, fruitful travels, and chances of marriage, if single. Socially good time and enjoy the company of friends.

If Jupiter transit to the eighth house from the natal Moon, work hard in the job to success, unnecessary expenditure, and travels, sudden trouble in business, research in spiritual, health issues, careful with litigations and lawsuits, lack of comfort, avoid arguments with family and friends.

If Jupiter transit to the ninth house from the natal Moon, this is an excellent period for professional and financial growth, good relation with the boss, increment and promotion, profitable investment, blessings from guru and saints, good time for marriage, religious activities, and good possibilities of foreign travels.

If Jupiter transit to the tenth house from the natal Moon, negative thinking and feelings, unfulfilled desires and irritate, disappointed, avoid arguments with seniors and family. The loss of land and property, the obstacle in work and mental stress. You should visit in religious places.

If Jupiter transit to the Eleventh house from the natal Moon, good position and the prestige, love, and support from children, get success in work and defeat enemies, material comforts, fulfill your love desire, get love partner, increase income, gain in trade, promotion, increase social status, buy land, jewelry, vehicle and comfort materials.

If Jupiter transit to the Twelfth house from the natal Moon spend money on auspicious occasions, outflow of money, expenditure, stay away from the native place, face difficulty in business, spend money in long distance travels, fear of defamation, interest in spiritual places and religion things.                                                 

Effect of Mars transit

Mars gives positive results if placed at 3rd, 6th, the 11th position from where Moon is posited at the time of birth. It gives auspicious results, at rest of the places, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, and 12th house from Moon; its transit proves to be malefic for a native. Here is a detailed overview of how Mars transit may affect your life based on which house it occupies from the Moon.

If Mars transits to the first house from natal Moon, undesired expenses, aggression, ailments related to blood and the stomach, Obstacles in the professional area, not good relations with Mother.

If Mars transit to the second house from natal Moon, Short-tempered, harsh words, relations with family may suffer. Take good care of your finance and valuables things. Unhappiness, rude nature, arguments, loss of position, bewares of old enemies and wicked friends, negative thoughts, jealousy.

If Mars transit to the third house from natal Moon, increase wealth and materials pleasures and comforts, financial gains, self-confidence, and willpower. Improve health and confusion or obstacles, get the victory on enemies.

If Mars transit to the fourth house from the natal Moon, hard for many things, face many difficulties, new enemies will raise, cruel behavior, ill health of Mother, stomach problem, and high blood pressure. Make peace with your family and friends. Avoid any issues related to land and property also Aware of the bad company also.

If Mars transit to the fifth house from the natal Moon, feels stressed and scared, children may suffer from sickness or some issues, tensions, expenditure, quarrel with your family and friends and due to bad food habits may disturb.

If Mars transit to the sixth house from the natal Moon, Gain in wealth, profit in metals and other business get promotion and honor, good financial gain; win over enemies, court case, good health, happiness, and success.

If Mars transit to the seventh house from the natal Moon, problems with spouse and mother, need sweetness in voice, aware from the business partner, bad health, expenditure, harsh nature, discomfort, stomach ache, eyes, and chest problem and mental anxiety.

If Mars transit to the eighth house from the natal Moon, blood problems, anemia, lose health, wealth, mental depression, breathing problems, piles, physique, bad addictions, expenditure and losses, injured with sharp objects and weapons.

If Mars transit to the ninth house from the natal Moon, obstacles, defame, suffer ailments, muscles pain and bodily pain. Lose of wealth and weakness in the physical body.  Professionally disturbance, hard work, Worried, disappointment and uncomfortable.

If Mars transit to the tenth house from the natal Moon, the obstacle in the path of success, trouble from seniors, failure in efforts, sorrow, disappointments, tensions, stay away from weapons, financial loss, struggle and involve in bad company.

If Mars transit to the eleventh house from the natal Moon, auspicious results, good health, good income and positions, support from friends, win competitions, courageous, hard work, invest in real-estate, profit in business, and happiness from children, prestige, fame and social status.

If Mars transit to the twelfth house from the natal Moon, body pain in feet and eyes, stomach problems, dreams disorders and disturbance in bed pleasure, unnecessary expenditure, suffer relations with spouse, children, friends, siblings, and relatives. Bring some opportunities for travel abroad related to business but not get any success.                                                                                                           

Effect of Mercury Transit 

Mercury gives positive results if places at 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th, the 10th and  11th  position from where Moon is posited at the time of birth. At rest of the place, i.e.1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and 12th house from Moon, its transit proves to be malefic for a native. Here is a detailed overview of how Mercury transit may affect your life based on which house it occupies from the Moon.   

First house- If Mercury transits to the first house from the natal Moon, mental stress due to financial loss, less confident, less courageous, company with bad people, unsympathetic words from others, unnecessary expenditure, avoid bad company and any kinds of lawsuits, avoid travels if possible and obstacle in performing.

Second house- If Mercury transits to the second house from the natal Moon, good income, the study of new subjects, praise from friends and workplace. Gain and growth of income, success in learning and get knowledge, the company of good people, benefits from the sources of communication but not good for the health of native’s siblings.

Third houseIf Mercury transits to third house from the natal Moon, weak health, lots of enemies, not good for traveling, disputes with the life partner, misunderstandings with relatives and co-worker, expenditure, loss, arguments with superiors and trouble in efforts.

Fourth house- If Mercury transits to fourth house from the natal Moon, good name, income, success in competitive exam, study of new subjects, enjoyments of luxuries, spend money in property and get good results, gain from spouse, peace of mind, success in work, increase income and progress in family.   

Fifth houseIf Mercury transits to the fifth house from the natal Moon, illness, dispute with children, misunderstandings, arguments with the spouse, health issues, stomach problems, bad associations, quarrels with co-workers, failure in exam, loss, the stock market, mentally issues and less confident.

Sixth houseIf Mercury transit to the sixth house from the natal Moon, person get the victory, rises in business, become a scholar and benefit from the study. Get luxuries things and vehicles, good name, success, good health, fair income, stability and progress in personal life fine health, mental peace and arguments with the employer.

Seventh house- If Mercury transit to the seventh house from the natal Moon disappointed with seniors, increase enemies, health issues, mentally and physically, arguments and communications gap with children and spouse and unhealthy travels plan.

Eighth house-If Mercury transit to the eighth house from the natal Moon, rise in status, comfortable lifestyle, happiness from children or newborn member, intuition and intellect to make right decisions, success in official work, name, fame, income, increase workability, mental peace and victory on enemies.

Ninth house- If Mercury transit to the ninth house from natal Moon,  health issues, disputes with father, disturb the mind, laziness, financial loss, conflicts and separation from a life partner, stay away from the house, increase expenditure, defame in workplace and arguments with family members.

Tenth house- If Mercury transit to the tenth house from natal Moon, interest in religious, happy moments, good income, happy and successful periods, good in professionally, happy with family and spouse, meet and spend time with someone new, rise and respect in society, mentally peace and defeat enemies.

Eleventh house- If Mercury transit to the eleventh house from natal Moon, willpower, material comfort and convenience, support from brothers and friends, show talent, increase income, gains from different sources, health is the good, soft-spoken and pleasant company of opposite sex.

Twelfth house-If Mercury transit to the twelfth house from the natal Moon, loss in wealth and health, extra expenditure, financially foreign travels but not fruitful, troubles from enemies, disputes with the spouse, mentally issues, worries and restless

Effect of Saturn planets

Saturn gives positive results if placed at 3rd, 6th, the 11th position from where Moon is posited at the time of birth. At rest of the places, i.e. 1st, 2nd,4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th house from Moon, its transit proves to be malefic for a native. Here is a detailed overview of how Saturn transit may affect your life based on which house it occupies from the Moon.

If Saturn transit in first house from the natal Moon, this is the second face of Sade Sati for native. Luck is not favorable, troubles, delay in work and other activities, bad time, rejected and unpleasant, depression, feel alone, affect in health, weak courage and confidence, feel tensed and mentally unstable, income and fame would down, disappointments, want sympathy, emotional, want shoulder for cry, you need a secure private life and family connection.

If Saturn transit in the second house from the natal Moon, this is the last face of Sade Sati. not good time, tensions, depression, separation or divorce, financial hurdles, unhappy life, the loss job, stay away from his place, conflicts with senior and brothers, increase expenditure, feel heavy in heart and mind.

If Saturn transit in third house from the natal Moon, increase confidence, achieve success, starting the new business, new job, gain from the property, feel happy and energetic, defeat enemies, fulfill dreams and desires and happiness with family. 

If Saturn transit in fourth house from the natal Moon, Period of “Saturn’s dhaiyya” Financial loss, problem in family, accidents, losses in land, health problems, conflicts at home and workplace, challenges in success, Litigation, quarrels with relatives, lack of peace, need patience and face competition with stable mind.

If Saturn transit in fifth house from the natal Moon, not happy, quarrels with spouse and business partners, upset mind, losses, break in love affairs and also be highlighted,   not good for children, financial losses, loss in the stock market, emotional disturbance, weak concentration.

If Saturn transit in sixth house from the natal Moon, victory over the enemies or competitors, good health, the good relationship from relatives and family members, gain, increase income, win competitions, progress at work, support from near and dear, success in service and recognition of work.

If Saturn transit in seventh house from the natal Moon, separation from spouse and disturbance in married life, the obstacle in the job, the problem in business, delayed in work, lose patience, immoral activities and lack of emotions.

If Saturn transit in eighth house from the natal Moon, health problems, lack of support from friends and obstacle in the workplace, troubles with the spouse, loss of money, undergo hospitals trips or surgery and May loss job.

If Saturn transit in the ninth house from the natal Moon, distress, and worry, changing jobs but not satisfied, long distances travel, the path of spirituality to reduce problems, extra expenditure, competition in job or business, troubles from children and spouse and loss in business.

If Saturn transit in tenth house from the natal Moon, problems in workplace, distress, the problem with Boss, differences with spouse, expenditure, defame in society, burden by responsibilities, health issues, mother’s health issues and down in business.

If Saturn transit in the eleventh house from the natal Moon, lots of financial gains, cordial relation with spouse, family, friends, and relatives. Happy in job and professions, good health, increase a family member, defeat enemies, job promotion and peace of mind.

If Saturn transit in twelfth house from the natal Moon, “Sade Sati” begins, many efforts and loss in business, increase expenditure, not able to take good decisions,  depression, disease, distress, the loss job, divorce or separation of the spouse, hurdles in life and waste travels.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

Result of Sun transit

Sun gives positive results if places at 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 11th    position from where Moon is posited at the time of birth, at rest of places, i.e. 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 12th house from Moon, its transit proves to be malefic for a native. Here is the detailed overview of how Sun transit may affect your life based on which house it occupies from the Moon. It transit of only one month           

The result of sun transits in first house from natal Moon,  health issues, heart problem, disturbance in BP, suffer from stress, the problem in blood circulation, eyes problem, hair fall, headache, defame, irritated, clashes with the spouse, disputes with family members and friends.

Result of sun transits in second house from natal Moon, financially problem, effects in profits and wealth, loss in investment and share market, harsh voice, defame, arguments and tensions in family and friends, eyes disease, anxiety, mental tensions, headache, not good time of travel and like to eat flesh.

The result of sun transits in third house from the natal Moon, progress in the profession, the new position, increase wealth, success, happiness, health and destruction of enemies. Respect from relatives, family, and friends, defeat enemies, promotion, mental peace, sound health, enjoyment with family, comfortable and profitable travels.

The result of sun transit in fourth house from the natal Moon, rise mental and physical trouble, beating image and status, arguments with seniors, co-worker, and employee. Work pressure and high stress. Trouble in land and property, an unexpected journey, domestic violence, lack of mutual understanding, mentally disturbance and arguments with the mother.

The result of sun transit in fifth house from the natal Moon, arguments with seniors insult, obstacle, many competitors, disturb the mental peace, arguments, heart and stomach problem, issues from childhood and love partner, health issues of children, arguments with government officials and employees. Loss of respect and restlessness in temperament.

The result of sun transit in sixth house from the natal Moon, defeat enemies and grief, fortunate period, Success in competition, and court case. Good health, good earnings, status, happiness, peace, improve social contacts and networking. Fruitful dreams and get good results, if professional.

The result of sun transit in seventh house from the natal Moon, disputes with seniors and co-worker, slow progress, face competitors, Indigestion, allergies, Hopeless, helpless, Stomach disorder, problems in married life, Delay the achievements, Loss of wealth and respect.

The result of sun transit in eighth house from the natal Moon, suffer from illness, legal cases or imprisonment, troubles from enemies, indigestion, bad blood circulation, piles, accidents, life will be dull, problems with Seniors and competitors, Expenses and losses.

Result of sun transit in ninth house from the natal Moon, trouble in workplace, blame, dissatisfaction, false charges, financially losses, wasteful spending, lack of mental peace, expenditure, Clashes with family, pain in hips, knees, spine, cough, chest problems, severe diseases, enemies and Problem from father.

Result of sun transit in Tenth house from the natal Moon, auspicious time, complete task without efforts, excellent results, fortune period, promotion, increase salary, increment, better opportunities, fame and appreciate from seniors, win award, financially good, gain, respectable position, respect from family and friends, good and happy relation with spouse and health also improve.

Result of sun transit in Eleventh house from the natal Moon, unexpected benefits, appreciate from boss, gains, profits in business, good income, increments, promotion, benefit results from investments, improved economically and social status, fruitful period with family and friends, sound Health, good relation with spouse, Fruitful and enjoy in travels.

Results of sun transit in Twelfth house from the natal Moon, injuries, loss of wealth, loss of respect, stress, lack of sleep, troubles in social life, take care of health, stomach troubles, fevers and eye problems, Arguments with spouse and friends, break in love relations and careful with finances.   

Effect of Rahu transit

Rahu gives positive results if placed at 3rd, 6th and 11th position from where Moon is posited at the time of birth. At rest of the places, i.e.1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th house from Moon, its transit proves to be malefic for a native. Here is a detailed overview of how Rahu transit may affect your life based on which house it occupies from the Moon.

If Rahu transits to the first house from the natal Moon, negative affects, financial loss, black magic, physical and mental problems, and restlessness.

If Rahu transits to the second house from the natal Moon, financial trouble, expenditure, physical and social tensions, the problem in marriage life, bad eating habits, problems in eyes and avoid any kinds of arguments.

If Rahu transits to the third house from the natal Moon, good time, financial gain, progress in prosperity, promotions, happenings, victory in court casesrelationships with siblings, strong willpower, increment and fame in society.

If Rahu transits to the fourth house from the natal Moon, trouble time, dispute with land and property, change place, not well for mother’s health, lack of mentally peace and trouble from the vehicle.

If Rahu transits to the fifth house from the natal Moon, mentally stress, grief, trouble from children, good income and trade, tension in love matters and mental confusion.

If Rahu transits to the sixth house from the natal Moon, wealth from various sources, profit from the business, Gain in property, respect from society and victory in court cases.  

If Rahu transits to the seventh house from the natal Moon, financially loss, physical illness, cautions in financial matters, disputes in married life, and the health of spouse may also worry problems with partners and coworker and meet someone who possibly belongs to someone other regions.      

If Rahu transit to the eighth house from the natal Moon, physical ailments, sexually diseases, mental anxiety, unnecessary fear, face humiliation, coworker and ill-wishers, good for hidden treasure.

If Rahu transit to the ninth house from the natal Moon, good for foreign travel, higher education, spiritual, not good for parents, lose money, involved in sinful activities, avoid arguments with colleagues and avoid unwanted discussion.

If Rahu transit to the tenth house from the natal Moon, good career, job and status in the society, financially good, cooperative and cordial relation with superiors and colleagues, sleep disorders; mentally distress and mother health would require attention.

If Rahu transit to the eleventh house from the natal Moon, good time for fruitful desires, gain in money, status, network, job and the friends. Favorable income, financial good, foreign travels, good domestic life, the marriage of children, respect from society and interest in religion.

If Rahu transits to the twelfth house from the natal Moon, good for foreign travels, but not good for the money, loss in business and professional life, take care of your mental health, take care of your spouse health and overconfident.                                                     

Effect of Ketu transit

Ketu gives positive results if placed at 3rd, 6th and 11th position from where Moon is posited at the time of birth. At rest of the places, i.e.1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 12th house from Moon, its transit proves to be malefic for a native. Here is a detailed overview of how Ketu transit may affect your life based on which house it occupies from the Moon.

If Ketu transits to the first house from the natal Moon, mental tensions, health issues, no savings, increase expenditure, avoid loans, defame in society, confusion, mental affliction, headache and misunderstanding with the spouse.

If Ketu transits to the second house from the natal Moon, loss of wealth, expenses are likely to go up, mental ailments, take care of eyes, flow in useless speech, harsh voice and conflicts with the spouse.

If Ketu transit to the third house from the natal Moon, financial gain, progress and success in the profession, gain in fame and respect in society, frequently small travels, goods in education and get the job.

If Ketu transit to the fourth house from the natal Moon, be careful in driving, avoid landed disputes, be careful mother health, financially not good period, mental stress and avoid travels.

If Ketu transit to the fifth house from the natal Moon, excessive expenditure, the problem from children, suffers from deep mental stress, avoid investment in stock market and ups and down in life.

If Ketu transit to the sixth house from the natal Moon, well in competitions, job and victory on enemies, good financially, progress in business, take interest in spiritual and extra take care of your health.

If Ketu transit to the seventh house from the natal Moon, suffer from many diseases, mentally stage feel sick, misunderstandings and confusion with life partner and should control your expenditure.

If Ketu transit to the eighth house from the natal Moon, need the extra care of health, fever body pain, mentally problem, defame in society, interest in food and spiritual activities and losses of wealth.

If Ketu transit to the ninth house from the natal Moon, foreign travels and religious travels, not well for finance, physical and mental stress and arguments with children and siblings.

If Ketu transit to the tenth house from the natal Moon, losing money, suffer mental tensions, lack of progress in business, profit in field work, satisfaction in job and alert in society.

If Ketu transit to the eleventh house from the natal Moon, profit, and gain in business, profit from land, start new work, suitable income, children marriage, increase meditation, happy time and confusion in love relationships.

If Ketu transit to the twelfth house from the natal Moon, trouble in marriage life, extra expenditure, good in spiritual matters, humiliation, defames Avoid taking loans and travel in the foreign land.                   



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