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Rahu Transit In Pisces Sign

Rahu transit is in Pisces and Ketu is in Virgo

Rahu Transit 2024 is a great phenomenon in the Astrology path.
Rahu Transit in Pisces sign from 30 October 2023 to 18 May 2025
Ketu Transit in Virgo sign from 30 October 2023 to 18 May 2025

Rahu is not a real planet like Sun, Moon, or other planets. It is a celestial shadow planet, whose effect is very mysterious and imaginary even if it does not have a real physical presence, which makes the person who comes under its influence from king to rank or even from rank to king. Rahu is of a mischievous and deceitful nature, whose real form is not easy to understand. Rahu's job is always to keep on deceiving and observing. Rahu is the significator of attraction towards wrong habits, poison, intoxication, foreign, technical, revolutionary tendencies, underworld, and theft. Dasha and the transit of Rahu greatly affect the common man. If someone's Rahu is in the first or second house, then that person should never be trusted because it is not known when he will cheat. The truth of his words and behavior is some side and he shows some other side, in reality, such a person is deceitful and it is not even in everyone's capacity to understand him.
Rahu's transit is going to take place in the Pisces sign of Jupiter, such people are imaginative, energetic, and research-oriented by nature. Such individuals are adventurous and like to search for truth in life. However, they take risks only when they already know that success will come to them. In such a situation, people stick to their own views and wish to remain independent. Having Rahu in Pisces makes the natives do all the work with haste and overconfidence. Such people are gurus, teachers, or professors. If other planets are not positive, then the person also thinks like a devil in the guise of a monk.
In Vedic astrology, Rahu has been called a shadow planet, according to astrology, Rahu does not exist, yet it has the most and important influence on human life. It has been said for Rahu that if Rahu gets spoiled, it makes life like hell and if it improves, it also wears a crown. It has been said for Rahu that whoever Rahu kills then who kills him and whoever Rahu kills then who kills him. If Rahu gives bad results, then he definitely gets trapped in lawsuits and unnecessarily gets entangled in mental troubles. If Rahu has auspicious effects, then the person gets a lot of money and a high position in politics along with respect.
In Vedic astrology, Rahu is a slow-moving shadow planet after Saturn, which is always in retrograde, because the outcome of transits and Dasha determine the pace of a person's life. Therefore it cannot be ignored. Let us take a look at the effect of the transit of Rahu and Ketu according to the zodiac sign: -
Aries:- Transit of Rahu in Pisces for Aries sign will make you courageous and mighty. Mars, the lord of your zodiac sign, wants to rise like fire, with the help of this transit also you will be able to do something new in your business. If you are interested in sports, then at this time you can go to a big stage and play. This Rahu can bring some confusion in married life, so handle the relationship with your life partner very carefully. Time will be better for income and profit, but will increase the expenses a lot. You can also take an interest in any new work in which you will get monetary benefits. During this time your foreign trips will also increase a lot and your expenses will also be high.
Taurus:- Due to the transit of Rahu in Pisces, your income will be more during this time and your wishes will also be fulfilled. You will also have a name on social media and your new identity will also be created so that people will now know you more than before. Use your speech very thoughtfully, otherwise, your very special relationships will start going away from you by speaking without thinking. Do not let your ego dominate your workplace, otherwise, the loss will be yours, which will cause your mental stress. There will be some kind of stressful situation in the job also, you will have to take care of your money very carefully, otherwise, the money will go as it comes, so save the money in time. During this transition, you may become a victim of misunderstanding by loving someone, so be careful with your heart.
Gemini:- How will it be for your Gemini sign due to Rahu in Pisces sign. The year may start with some mental tension and confusion. Due to overthinking, you will not be able to make important decisions. There is a need to be careful about the transactions in the business place, otherwise, there is a possibility of being cheated. During this transit, control yourself with caution even in financial matters. In the middle of the year, you will be busy with some auspicious work in your family with small trips. If there is a rift with the father, then take care, otherwise, your brothers and sisters can take advantage of this in the ancestral property. Mother's cooperation will remain in your life. Due to some misunderstandings in married life, there can be mutual tension.
Cancer:- What will be the result of the transit of Rahu in Pisces for the Cancer sign? This Rahu will also make your dream of going abroad come true and your efforts to settle there will also be successful. This year you can get back your stalled money or the money given to someone. You can also go to a religious place with your family, due to which you will be able to spend time with your family. Your partner can get some new achievements in married life, due to which there will be an atmosphere of happiness in the house. There can be a debate with the child on anything. This time will be very good for the economic situation, your dreams related to money will be fulfilled and a new identity will be created in society. You will get new projects related to business, in which you have to work honestly.
Leo:- Rahu's transit in Pisces is beneficial for the Leo sign. What effect will this have? This time is made of better economic conditions and profit. Invest the money that comes at this time in the right place, only then this money will stay with you, otherwise, the money will be spent in the same way as it comes. This year, your business can start with a new opportunity, in which your new identity can also be created, and by getting new projects from foreign companies, there will be profit along with income. There may remain some tension regarding marital happiness because due to busy work, you will not be able to give time to family. Around the month of August, a new partner will come into your life in the form of a friend, with whom you will fall in love. During this time, you may come into a state of some confusion regarding the work.
Virgo:- Transit of Rahu in Pisces for Virgos is not good for new work, there will be confusion in the workplace and there will be differences among the employees as well. There will be a crunch regarding the economic situation as well, do not invest in any work. There is no relief even regarding the debt situation, do not take any step in haste. You will get full support from your partner in married life and he will try to help you financially as well. There can be some mental problems from the side of the child and due to the non-coordination of your thoughts with each other, there will be tension. During this time you will be interested in spiritual works and there will also be a coincidence of religious journeys. Avoid any kind of differences with the father and also take care of his health.
Libra:- Due to the transit of Rahu in Pisces, for the Libra zodiac sign, in the beginning, it will seem that all the work is being done, but due to some reason, the work will not be completed on time. Misunderstanding with the father can lead to differences. You will start any work with a lot of enthusiasm and enthusiasm, but you will also feel mental trouble by getting trapped in some illusion. Relationships can get sour due to some reason from the children's side and distance will remain due to a lack of mutual understanding. Avoid overconfidence in the business sector and take the advice of a senior while investing. You will get an opportunity to go on a religious pilgrimage, but avoid showing off in any way. This transit will suddenly interest in some research and will get an opportunity to go abroad.
Scorpio: Due to the transit of Rahu in Pisces, this year you will get success in the subject you have been searching till now and will be inspired to do something new. Do not hide anything from the one you love, there will be such a thing that they will come to know from outside, due to which love can sour. There will be a chance to go on a religious journey with your parents. Time in business will be better than before, you will also get work on a new project and you will also get praise on completion of the work. You will get a promotion if your hard work is exposed in the eyes of the boss. You will be under tension regarding your married life, due to some kind of misunderstanding, there can be mutual distance.
Sagittarius: The transit of Rahu in Pisces, for Sagittarius, be careful about business transactions and do not blindly trust your partner. Due to the sudden high expenses, you are handling in the work related to money, mental stress can be created. Don't waste too much time with your friends. Due to Rahu in married life, there can be confusion in mutual relations with the life partner, even if there is a small issue, it should be resolved by talking beforehand, increasing the amount of talk will create an atmosphere of tension in the family. Give your time to the one you love, because of the work arrangement you are not able to give yours to them. This reason will sour the mutual love. If any case was going on in the court, then this Rahu would give you victory.
Capricorn:- Transit of Rahu in Pisces for Capricorn will give you relief in loan transactions and success in competition. Till now Rahu will bring you out from there where you were worried about some dispute. The dream of going abroad can also come true during this transit, keep your preparations complete. This Rahu can bring some trouble in married life, but due to mutual differences, mental tension will remain. Where you work, there can be tension with colleagues working together, do not consider anyone as your own, nor does anyone talk about their mind. There will be ups and downs in business and you will move forward with enthusiasm and vigor. You will feel weak in making decisions. There can be tension due to some misunderstanding with the children.
Aquarius: The transit of Rahu in Pisces can bring disturbance in the education of Aquarius. Do not think about change in any subject during this time. Take care of the health of your children and pay special attention to their education. You may have to face negative thoughts during this transit. Because of this, mental tension will also remain. This year you may have a rift with a friend and there may be a debate regarding money. In married life, due to a third person, there can be tension among themselves and there can be a feeling of doubt. With the new beginning in the business, you will do the projects you get with great enthusiasm and you will also get progress. Self-confidence will remain in the field of work. With the increase in salary in the job also, your financial condition will improve. Give your full time to your family so that love remains between you.
Pisces: Due to the transit of Rahu in Pisces, along with mental problems, there can also be differences with the mother due to some misunderstanding. There is a possibility of a short journey related to work, as well as there will be some expenses which you will not be able to understand. There can also be mutual differences in married life due to poor economic conditions. If you have to make any important decision in business, then take it very carefully, do not do any new work or invest in haste. Your time with the one you love will be full of romance and your relationship will also be strong. If you take measures then this transit of Rahu will remove all your problems and will increase your enthusiasm and self-confidence. This time will also be good for starting a new work.


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