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Impact Of Sadde Satti

Sadde Satti

Saturn is a lord of our karma, Saturn is justice planet, Saturn gives results according to our past karma it gives their result in Sadde sati and dasha. People have myth about this planet Saturn shows us the exact reality of life. It gives struggle and hurdles to teach us lesson and gives result for our best life. Sadde sati means the seven and half year’s periods of Saturn which is always known negative of the person because Saturn is malefic planet so Saturn give mostly harm result in their periods of Sadde sati because Saturn is poison and moon is milk when both are near or conjunct then mentally tension is possible. These relation spread vish in native life but some sign are positive of Saturn. It brings some changes in the life which could sometimes (kabhi) positive and negative depending on the chart of native. This is very slow planets Saturn moves in the 12 zodiac sign in 30 years to make complete round like that it takes time two and half years per sign. Moon represent our mind, emotions, feelings thought process and imagine power, when Saturn is placed with moon then emotional crises and mentally tensions walk with person life. Sadde sati represents the movements of Saturn relative to moon sign. At the position of moon in your horoscope is called moon sign. Sadde sati starts when transit Saturn comes into the 12th, 1st, and 2nd of your natal Moon sign. Since Saturn takes 30 years times to cover the 12 zodiac sign, native comes have Sadde sati 2 times average in their life. If native face influence of Sadde sati in life then after 30 years native face again influence of Sadde sati. Sadde sati gives their result in different sign as Sadde sati of Saturn does not affect negative to the sign of Taurus, Libra and Capricorn, Aquarius because it’s lord their friend and it is own sign. Most bad result get from cancer and Leo because when cancer’s Sadde sati start Saturn is in Gemini sign who is Saturn friend but second phase of Sadde sati when Saturn enter in to cancer which will be bad for moon because it is enemy of moon, next phase will be more bad as the Saturn harsh enter its enemy sigh Leo. For Leo moon sign the first phase of Sadde sati when Saturn enter its enemy cancer sign, second phase of Leo will be very harsh, third phase of Virgo will be normal. Venus and mercury are friends of Saturn and Jupiter is neutral so these sign Saturn Sadde sati gives result not bad. Rest of depend the placement of planets in chart and running dasha of native.  When Saturn is Yogkaraka in chart then Sadde sati gives auspicious result. According to sign we can decide good or bad phase of Sadde sati. Mostly first face gives mentally tension and depression.      

Result of Sadde sati according moon sign:- Sadde sati gives bad result when Saturn comes within natal moon degree and Saturn’s Nakshatra comes near natal moon Nakshatra and ascendant Nakshatra.

  1. Aries- Saturn and mars is enemy/sat is debilitated in it mars is fire Saturn is air, fire is increase with air- first phase is mixed because Saturn is 12 from Aries in Pisces sign lord of Pisces is neutral of Saturn, due to physical travel have physical stress, diseases. second phase is bad because Saturn is on Aries sign it gives mentally tension and aggression, jealousy, lose confidence, anxiety, depression, problem in marriage life, obstacle in daily income of source, problem in partnership, loss in business. Saturn is now with natal moon so gives ill health and domestic tension, humiliations, third phase good Saturn is on 2 from moon hard working, misunderstanding with family, control on expenditure, lack of peace, sudden gain.  

Remedies: 1. Read hanuman challisa 11 times front of hanuman ji with blow jasmine oil Deepak. 2. Feed to crow and red cow. 3. Give red color cloth to needy person.         

  1. Taurus- friends, Taurus is earth element, Taurus lord of Venus is guru planet so Saturn have good behaviour with it. Saturn is Yogkaraka planet from Taurus sign.  But first phase is bad Saturn is 12 from natal moon in Aries sign, Aries lord mars fanatical enemy of Saturn  work hard for success, , excess expenditure, inclined of women, aggression, lack of sleep, loss in foreign travels, eye problem, debt. Second phase is good Saturn is first from moon, interest in luxury things, good time of business and politics, minor health problem, want gain knowledge, mentally tension due to career pressure, third phase is also good now Saturn is 2 from moon in Gemini sign its lord mercury is friend of Saturn. Mercury is communication and intellectual planet so Saturn as friend helps in debate and decisions, but minor financial problems and lack of peace...

Remedies: 1. Give food to white cow. 2. Offer cooked rice with sesame to poor people. 3. Read Bajraang Baan in daily evening.          

  1. Gemini- friend/ Gemini is air as Saturn so in these period native thoughts is not stable. First phase is good now Saturn is in 12 from Gemini sign expenditure in luxury things and interest increase in women, second phase is also good small travels, logically approach, want learn new things, calculative mind, interest in mechanical sciences, reasoning and solving abilities, but tensions increase due to work load. Third phase is bad Saturn is in 2nd from Gemini in cancer sign lord of cancer is moon who is enemy of Saturn, Saturn and moon relation is ‘vish dosh’ heavy expenditure, loss of money, life, tensions with family, Teeth problem, addict alcohol, misunderstanding due to communication, mental distress, unhappy marriage life, all sorts of sufferings.

Remedies: 1. Green colour clothes give to needy poor girls. 2. Feed to birds. 3. Give books to needy children.     

  1. Cancer- both are enemy, cancer is water element- both are as alcohol is in silver glass gives poison like results in life but first phase is good Saturn is in 12 from cancer in Gemini, Saturn friend’s sign gives travels, spend money in his rest things, want what is reality of life, get relax from diseases and second phase is very bad now Saturn is in 1 from moon sign Domestic troubles, depression, troubles from females, ill health, tension from mother, land and property disputes, feel alone, emotional, lack of peace and harmony, delay in marriage, tensions in profession, should patience in this time, harsh phase, hurdles and challenges in life. Last phase in Saturn is 12 from Moon in Leo sign is fanatical enemies. Both are father son in Vedic astrology but relationship is very bad so in this period harsh language, conflicts with father, loss money, accusation, distance from parents.     

Remedies: 1. Read Sunderkand path every day evening. 2. Donate milk to needy old lady. 

  1. Leo- enemy/ Leo are fire Saturn is air both relation increase fire in life. First phase is worst time in life Saturn is 12 from moon sign gives loss, unnecessary expenditure, waste full travels, eyes problems, debt, enemies up their head, loss in job, and conflicts with colleagues, second phase is also bad time, Problem in marriage life, love life, suffer relationship with children, lack of concentration, heart problem and stomach illness, not good time for study, chance of gain but give late results, stubborn nature, want to be boss, interest in writing and readings, inclined to spirituality. Third phase give some relax now Saturn is 2 from Moon sign is Virgo’s lord mercury friend of Saturn, philosophical nature, win in debate, justice thoughts, conflicts in family, control on expenditures.     

Remedies: 1. Offer boiled cereals to birds. 2. Read Rudrakstam path every morning and pray in Shiva temple. 3. Offer water to sun every day morning.       

  1. Virgo- friend/ Virgo element is earthy, first phase is bad for native Saturn is 12 from Virgo sign in Leo sign result are loss in business, break in job, hospitalization, hurdles of payout loans, defeat from enemies. Second phase is good Virgo lord mercury is friend of Saturn social worker, give advice to others, depend on others, logical mind, get relief from long diseases, involve in disputes, should not get loan, and avoid disputes, positive result in business, colleagues supported, win in debates, get new job, get promotion. Third face is also fine for Virgo sign now Saturn is 12 from moon sign in Libra, its lord Venus is friend of Saturn and exalted in it,  gives good results native spend their money in luxury items and women, justice language, tact how to use others, manipulate thoughts, try to impress others, want to work as social worker.  

Remedies: 1. pray daily in Ganesha temple. 2. Give grain to birds.  3. Do mediation in daily morning.    

  1. Libra- friend/ exalted/ airy sign, first phase is good when Saturn is in friend mercury sign Virgo 12 from Libra, justice and fairness nature, diplomacy and tactful answer, inclined of spirituality, promotion in job, get and give help of people, spiritual travels. Second face of Sadde sati teach humility in life, wider public help, get politician fame, good family life, relax in marriage life, get in love affairs, increase work hard and due to it increase mentally tensions, sound health, career advancement, relief from court case. last phase when Saturn is in Scorpio sign 2 from moon sign, mars and Saturn both are enemy and bad stage of life, problem in domestic life, should cautions to purchase land or property, greater challenges, lack of mentally peace.  

Remedies: 1. read hanuman challisa in daily evening. 2. Offer water on shivling in Shiva temple. 3. Visit Shani temple on Saturday. 

  1. Scorpio- enemy/ watery sign/ first phase is good when Saturn is in Libra, 12 from moon sign when mentally tensions, help from foreigners, relax in court case, get new job, old and long diseases, get relief in health. Second phase gives lots of tensions and hurdles in life when Saturn is in 1 from moon sign  Secretive tendency, danger from poison, unhappy, short temper, harsh language, sudden incidents, caution in accidents, expansion of business is not advisable, slow career growth, speculation and gambling are not good, caution with colleagues. Last phase is mixed when Saturn is in Sagittarius sign whose 2nd from moon sign Sagittarius lord Jupiter is neutral relations with Saturn, having mentally tensions, justice nature, foreign travels, far from natal home, change in job, serious approach to religious, spiritual education, highly principle.  

1. Give food and clothes to blind person, 2. Give needy things to needy people. 3. Read Sunderkand path daily evening.    

9. Sagittarius- neutral/ fiery sign/justice planets/gives justice personality/ first phase is bad when Saturn is in Scorpio sign 12th from moon sign aggression, hyper, problem in relationship, conflicts in job, tensions in court cases, obstacle in career, inclined to spiritual and religious travels. Second phase is good when Saturn is in Sagittarius sign like spiritual books and wants to write also, work hard, good in education, teaching and justice behaviour, dutiful nature, get respect in politics, want become lawyer. Third phase is also good when Saturn comes 2nd from moon sign in own sign Capricorn helping nature, give free education, charitable, knowledge of fine arts, social worker, career is important for you, justice behaviour, learning tendency, want high status, fame in politics.  

Remedies: 1. Read “Mahamritinjya path” every day morning on Rudraksha mala.  2. Blow jasmine oil front of hanuman ji in hanuman temple. 3. Donate shoes to needy boys.    

  1. Capricorn- own sign/earthy sign/first phase is mixed when Saturn is in 12 from moon sign in sign of Jupiter which is neutral with Saturn so result is mixed, justice nature, social worker, work hard, want fame and success, change in job, win on enemies, spiritual travels with parents, feel alone. Second phase is good when Saturn is own sign, purchase land and property, caution of mother health, social worker, polite in behaviour, focus of ambitious, career is important for you, increase struggle and hard work, detach from family, chance of win politics seat, want to do something for needy. Third phase is also good Saturn is in second own sign of Aquarius which is 2nd from moon sign, get property from father, sudden gain, occult sciences, get reward, research, start new business, good family life, sound health.  

Remedies: 1. Read Sunderkand path every day evening in hanuman temple. 2. Recite Shani Beez mantra on Rudraksha mala.        

  1. Aquarius- own sign/ airy element/ time of Sadde sati Thoughts of Aquarius sign are too deep because Saturn is vairagya and moon is emotions and bhaavna and thoughts. First part of Sadde sati is good but also challenges phase and you get success it, increase work hard, minor health problem, want to learn new things, control desires, gain from land, social worker, work for better life, responsible, loyal, impartial nature, emotional. Second phase of Sadde sati is good when Saturn in 1 from moon sign of Aquarius get reward from hard work, good in business, fame in politics, govt seat, administrator post, social work, fame in public, mentally tension from increase work. Last phase of Sadde sati is neutral when Saturn is in Pisces sign 2 from moon sign spiritual feelings, want to travel, soft spoken, knowledgeable speech, want to become success person, democratize and scientific thinker, loyalty, polite with society.  

Remedies: 1. Read “Shiv Panchakshari” on every day morning. 2. Help needy person in charitable person.                  

  1. Pisces- neutral/ watery/ both are justice planet, increase spirituality in this period/first phase is good when Saturn is in Aquarius, 12th from moon sign, increase spirituality and religious travels, control on extra expenditure, change job, travels in business, caution in health, face problem in relationship, lack of night sleep, second phase of Sadde sati when Saturn is in neutral sign of Jupiter, want to learn philosophy, justice language, social work, skilful in policy making, polite wealthy, lack of peace due to married life, confident. Last phase of when Saturn is 2nd from moon sign is in Aries( enemy of mars), it is bad phase of Sadde sati, blame, loss job, tensions in study, suffer mother health, sudden accidents, health loss, loss in land and property, aggression, problem or delay in marriage life, lose confidence.

Remedies: 1. Black or blue clothes donate in charity.2. Donate books and spiritual books to needy people.       

To remove fear of Sadde sati we do some commen remedies and get relief in our life.

1. Read Sunderkand path Tuesday and Saturday evening.

2. Donate food and medicine to blind and physical challenges person on Saturday.  

3. Recite ‘Shani beez’ Mantra and ‘Shani Strotram’ every day evening.

4. Worship lord Shiva and read “Shiv Panchakshari”, “Mahamritunjaya Mantra”.

5. Give grains on birds, especially crow.

6. Read Hanuman challisa daily evening with blow Deepak of jasmine oil.



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